Golden Pass awards over $110,000 in scholarships

Golden Pass LNG awarded scholarships to eight high school graduates beginning an Associate Degree of Process Technology at Lamar Institute of Technology and Lamar State College – Port Arthur. The scholarships cover up to three years of P-Tech and liquefied natural gas process education to prepare students for work with the Golden Pass LNG export project currently under construction in Sabine Pass.
SABINE PASS, TX — For many entering the workforce this year, the future may be uncertain. Thanks to the Golden Pass LNG Scholarship for Process Technology, eight Southeast Texas high school graduates can rest easy knowing they can start training for a long-term, fulfilling career – for free.
Golden Pass LNG awarded scholarships this week to eight high school graduates beginning an Associate Degree of Process Technology at Lamar Institute of Technology and Lamar State College – Port Arthur in the fall. The scholarships cover up to three years of P-Tech and liquefied natural gas process education to prepare students for work with the Golden Pass LNG export project currently under construction in Sabine Pass.
“Golden Pass made a commitment to hire locally as much as possible for our LNG export project,” Sean Ryan, President and CEO of Golden Pass LNG, said. “We are creating as many opportunities as we can to connect local residents with our company and with the training they need to compete for the more than 200 careers we are creating in the next few years.”
Students will receive much more than tuition. As part of the scholarship, Golden Pass is sponsoring career counseling and mentoring services to help guide students throughout their career journey and ensure their success. Students will also receive an inside look into working as an operator at the new world class facility. And, upon completion of the training programs, each student will have the opportunity to interview for a permanent position as an operator with the Golden Pass LNG export terminal.
“We are grateful to Golden Pass LNG for their investment in our students and our community,” Dr. Glenn Mitchell, Principal of Memorial High School, said. “We are pleased to be building tomorrow’s workforce in partnership with Golden Pass, and we look forward to the local employment opportunities that will be available to our students.”
For Golden Pass, the scholarship program is focused on mutual success – preparing the next generation of Southeast Texans to take advantage of the area’s continued growth and promoting a skilled workforce to work with the company.
“As our company grows, we are investing in our community’s future to ensure our neighbors grow along with us,” John Fraser, Golden Pass Vice President of Operations, said. “The Golden Pass scholarship program is a great initiative that helps connect us with potential job candidates.”
The Golden Pass LNG Scholarship for Process Technology is part of the Golden Pass LNG Opportunity Roadmap, which aims to help Southeast Texas residents and businesses take part in the economic growth associated with the company’s LNG export project, which is expected to create thousands of construction jobs and hundreds of permanent jobs. The project is also expected to generate economic gains in many industries including retail, construction, manufacturing, business services and transportation.
The Opportunity Roadmap includes initiatives to help businesses, job seekers and others in the community. Existing programs include our Local Business Initiative, business development workshops hosted by the Small Business Development Center at Lamar and workforce readiness seminars for students and jobseekers.
Interested residents should visit to learn more about the project, how to work with the construction project, hiring timelines and other information.